Dec 21, 2024
COR 295 2 - Mindful Care for the World Minimum Credit(s) Awarded: 3 Maximum Credit(s) Awarded: 3
This COR2 course has been designed as an opportunity to explore the connections between our life work as helping professionals, development as leaders in these careers, and building resilience through self-care and mindfulness.
Using the lens of the COR 2 essential questions (Who am I and who could I become? What are the needs and opportunities of the world? What is my role in building a just and compassionate world?), the class will pose questions such as, what are the relationships between self and community, and between personal activities and public service? What responsibilities exist in these relationships? How do social forces (e.g., poverty, racism, sexism and climate crisis) shape these roles and inform one’s responsibilities?
Through reading, discussion, and service activities students will reflect upon community experiences, how these experiences influence their personal and public worlds, and their personal values in relation to these spheres, while identifying and examining their own value systems as they are situated in the values systems of other contexts, including those of their service sites, the Dominican Intellectual Tradition, and Catholic Social Teaching.
Class members must have a concurrent field placement within their majors, have an established community service position or be an American Veteran. Course content will be based in part of the experiences of students in these placements.
Edgewood COR courses provide an integrative framework for students to understand themselves, become aware of the needs of the world, and develop the gifts they have been given to create a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world.
Offered Fall, Spring
Course Fee: $40 Prerequisite(s): Completion of COR 1 or COR 199 or COR 199 in progress; two full-time semesters of college credit, excluding retro credits, AP credits, and college credit earned while in high school.
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