Feb 14, 2025
BIO 311 - General Microbiology for Nursing Minimum Credit(s) Awarded: 3 Maximum Credit(s) Awarded: 3
This course focuses on the study of biological entities collectively known as ‘Microbes’, with an emphasis on bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Diversity and community interactions of microbes, both pathogens and non-pathogens, will be examined. The structure, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, pathogenicity, and control of microbes will be investigated. Additionally, students will analyze common microbiological techniques and methods used in clinical microbiology. For Nursing students only.
Offered Fall, Spring
Course Fee: No Prerequisite(s): Pre-nursing students; Successful completion (CD or higher) of CHEM 121 or BIO 155 or BIO 152 or BIO 182 or consent of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 220 required.
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