Policies for Criminal Justice Majors
Field Experience courses (CJ 372 , SS 371 , SS 372 , SS 373 and SS 374 ) provide the opportunity for placement or internships in a variety of criminal justice positions. Field work positions have been available in city and county law enforcement agencies, federal and state correctional institutions, probation and parole programs, the district attorney’s office and in detention, shelter care and treatment centers. Placements in federal justice agencies in Washington D.C. are available. Students interested in the Field Experience option are responsible for their own application and placement with an appropriate agency in consultation with the Criminal Justice Program Coordinator. All potential Field Experience opportunities must be approved by the Program Coordinator prior to the student beginning the position with the agency.
The Department of Social Science will accept as equivalent to a supporting minor, a maximum of 18 transfer credits in selected police science, law enforcement and human services technical courses and in addition, will accept seven credits from approved field work sequences as the equivalent of Social Science 372-374. Field Experience: Criminal Justice major transfer students must earn at least 12 credits of coursework in the major program at Edgewood, with a least 4 of those credits from a criminal justice course. Criminal Justice majors minoring in Sociology will be required to take at least 12 credits of sociology in addition to the sociology courses for their major.
The interdisciplinary major of criminal justice consists of: