Emphasis is on the use of French in the classroom beginning with first-year classes. Advanced classes are conducted in French. Upper level courses may be repeated for credit, provided the content is different. Students with three or more years of the same high school language cannot take 101 of that same language at Edgewood College.
All majors, teaching and non-teaching, and all teaching minors must pass with a minimum grade of B at least two of the following: FREN 312 G, 313 G, 314, 316 G, 412, 413, 414, 416 G, 430.
All non-teaching minors must pass with a minimum grade of “B” in at least one of the courses listed above.
All majors, teaching and non-teaching must take at least one language course at the 400 level. All majors, teaching and non-teaching as well as all teaching minors must also maintain a 3.0 GPA in French courses, achieve oral proficiency at the intermediate-high level (ACTFL guidelines) and be approved by the Department. If the department rotation of required 300 and 400 level courses does not permit students in the major or minor to take them at the College, they may take them at UW-Madison through the Collaborative Program.