Dec 03, 2024  
2020-2021 Edgewood College Catalog 
2020-2021 Edgewood College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accreditations and Memberships

Edgewood College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Among the associations in which the College holds memberships are:

AACN: American Association of Colleges of Nursing

AACRAO: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers

AAC&U: Association of American Colleges and Universities

AAMFT: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

ACBSP: Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

ACCU: Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities

ACPA-American College Personnel Association

AGB: Association of Governing Boards

AILACTE: Association for Independent Liberal Arts College for Teacher Education

AIR: Association for Institutional Research

AIRUM: Association for Institutional Research of the Upper Midwest

ANEW: Association of Nurse Educators in Wisconsin

CASE: Council for the Advancement and Support of Education

CIC: Council for Independent Colleges

CCNE: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

CHEA: Council for Higher Education Accreditation

COAMFTE: Commission for Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education

CUPA: College and University Personnel Association

CUR: Council on Undergraduate Research


HLC: Higher Learning Commission

NACC: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

NACE: National Association of Colleges and Employees

NACUBO: National Association of College and University Business Officers

NAICU: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education

NCAA III: National Collegiate Athletic Association

NetVUE: Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education

OLC: Online Learning Consortium

WACRAO: Wisconsin Association of Collegiate Registrars Officer and Admissions Officers

WACSN: Wisconsin Association for Collegiate Schools of Nursing

WACTE: Wisconsin Association for Colleges for Teacher Education

WAICU: Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

WiCC: Wisconsin Campus Compact

WWHEL: Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership

QM: Quality Matters


The College’s business program is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The College’s nursing program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and is approved by the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. All teacher education and administrator education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WI DPI).

Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411
312-263-0456 or 800-621-7440
Go here for more information about Edgewood College’s HLC Accreditation.