Article I - Membership, Responsibilities and Procedures
- Voting members of the College Assembly shall consist of all employees of the College (offices should allow their staff to attend meetings on a rotating basis).
- Student members of the College Assembly committees.
- Enacts general regulations governing affairs of the College other than those specifically academic, which are the responsibility of the Faculty Association.
- Acts upon policy recommendations forwarded to it by committees of the College Assembly, the Faculty Association, the Staff Association, and the Student Senate.
- Makes recommendations to the President.
- Facilitates discussion of issues important to the good of the College.
- Reviews and interprets the College’s Mission, Vision, and Identity Statements, subject to the approval of the President and the Board of Trustees.
- Meetings
- Regular meetings shall be held at least twice a semester
- Special meetings may be called by the President or by any eight members through petition to the President
- All meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure as defined ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER (most current edition).
- Presiding Officer
The President of the College normally presides over meetings of the College Assembly. In the absence of the President, the Academic Dean presides. If both the President and the Academic Dean will be absent, the President shall designate a presiding officer.
- The Secretary
The Executive Assistant to the President will serve as Secretary to the College Assembly.
- Quorum
One over one quarter of the full-time employees of the College shall constitute a quorum.
- Agenda
The President of the College shall be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for the meetings of the College Assembly. Items may be added or deleted by majority vote. Committees and Subcommittees of the College Assembly, the Faculty Association, the Staff Association and the Student Government may submit agenda items. The agenda shall be distributed to the members of the Assembly at least two teaching days (excluding weekends) prior to a meeting. Substantive motions related to matters not on the agenda may be offered from the floor only if two thirds of the voting members vote to permit the action.
All committee and Board of Trustee reports should be circulated through e-mail or hard copy prior to the meeting to allow time for adequate discussion of items on the agenda. Questions arising from the reports can be addressed at the meetings.
- Voting Provisions
Votes on motions that would substantially change college policy may not be taken on the same day that such motions are proposed and require a three-fifths vote of the voting members present.
Any material submitted to the College Assembly for its action shall include the following:
- A rational for the proposed action
- A properly worded motion for the Assembly’s consideration.
- Veto
- Decisions of the College Assembly are binding unless vetoed by the President of the College or the Board of Trustees.
- The President may veto actions taken by the College Assembly within two weeks after such actions are taken. If the President is off campus when an action is taken, she/he may exercise the veto within two weeks after her/his return.
- A two-thirds majority of the voting members of the College Assembly may request the consideration of the Board of Trustees of an Assembly action vetoed by the President.
Article II - Committees of the College Assembly
- Membership
The president of the College, two faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, two staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association and two members elected from Student Senate shall constitute the membership of the College Council.
- Terms
Faculty and staff shall serve rotating three-year terms. Students shall serve a term of one year, which can be renewed.
- Chairperson
The President of the College will serve as the chair of the Council.
- Duties
- To periodically review the Mission, Vision, and Identity Statements of the College and make recommendations to the College Assembly.
- To recommend to the College Assembly major initiatives related to the Mission, Vision, and Identity of the College.
- To act as a liaison between the Faculty, Staff, and Student Associations, and the President.
- To advise the President as needed.
- To appoint members to the Affirmative Action Committee* and the Sexual Harassment Committees at the beginning of each year. Policies and procedures for these committees are found in the President’s Office.
*Contingent on an institutional decision to retain an affirmative action committee.
- To receive annual reports from the committees of the College Assembly and from the Faculty and Staff Associations and the Student Government.
- To submit an annual report to the College Assembly.
- Membership
President, Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean, Dean of Students, VP of Enrollment Management, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Information and Technology, Director of Facilities and Operations, VP of Institutional Advancement, Controller, six faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, two staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, and two student members elected from Student Senate.
- Terms
Faculty for three-year rotating terms; staff for three-year rotating terms; students will serve a term of one year, which can be renewed.
- Chairperson
The President shall preside over the Planning and Budget Committee.
- Duties
- To coordinate and integrate the planning efforts of the major administrative areas of the College in support of the College’s strategic initiatives.
- To oversee budget preparation, assumptions and the budget.
- To seek appropriate consultation and recommendations from the entire College community.
- To submit an annual report to the College Council and regular reports to College Assembly.
- Membership
Director of The Center for Multicultural Education, International Student Coordinator, Human Resource Director; VP of Enrollment Management, one faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, one staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, one member elected from Student Senate, and three appointees of the Director of Ethnic Studies, at least one of which must be a student.
- Terms
Faculty Association and Staff Association members are three years rotating. Students shall serve a term of one year, which shall be renewable.
- Chairperson
Director, Ethnic Studies
- Duties
- To research and recommend to College Assembly, Faculty Association, Staff Association, Student Senate and College Administration actions on the full range of diversity issues including religion, ethnicity, race and sexual orientation.
- To develop strategies to promote diversity on campus.
- To review campus policies and procedures relative to diversity, e.g., hiring practices, recruitment and enrollment goals, etc.
- To submit an annual report to College Council and regular reports to College Assembly.
- Membership
Academic Dean, VP of Planning and Enrollment, Vice President of Student Development, Institutional Research Analyst (non-voting), two faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, two staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, and one member elected from Student Senate.
- Terms
Faculty, rotating three-year terms; staff, rotating three-year terms; students shall serve a term of one year, which shall be renewable.
- Chair
Elected from ex officio voting members.
- Duties
- To prioritize enrollment goals
- To develop strategies to meet goals
- To advise the Admissions Office on policies and practices which relate to student recruitment
- To advise on institutional aid policies and practices
- To coordinate the work of the Institutional Aid and Scholarship Committee, the Retention Committee, and the Faculty Association’s Admissions Committee
- To submit an annual report to the College Council and regular reports to College Assembly.
- Subcommittees
- Institutional Aid and Scholarship
- Membership
Director of Financial Aid, VP of Planning and Enrollment, Chief Financial Officer, one faculty from the Enrollment Management Council, one faculty appointed by the Academic Dean, one staff from the Enrollment Management Council, one student elected by the Student Senate.
- Retention
- Membership
Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, a member of the Student Development staff, WED Program Coordinator, one faculty from the Enrollment Management Council, one staff from the Enrollment Management Council, athletic staff representative, Enrollment Management Council student representative, two representatives from the academic advising staff.
- Membership
Director of Information and Technology, Library Director, Academic Dean, three Faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, two staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, and Student Senate.
- Terms
Faculty shall serve for three years and be elected on a rotating basis. Staff shall serve for three years and will be elected on a rotating basis. Students shall serve a term of one year, which shall be renewable.
- Chairperson
The Director of Information and Technology and the Library Director shall serve as co-chairs.
- Duties
- To review, integrate and act on recommendations from the subcommittees (Academic Resources, Administrative Resources, Emerging Technologies, Web/E-mail), and to set policies governing the use of Information Resources by the College.
- To set direction and provide leadership in integrating information technology in the service of learning and teaching.
- To set direction and provide leadership in establishing and maintaining high quality support services for students, faculty and staff.
- To investigate technology on the horizon; to evaluate and plan for the uses of these new technologies on campus.
- To provide direction and leadership for Web and e-mail use on campus.
- To make recommendations to the College Assembly, Planning and Budget and the Administrative Team.
- To submit an annual report to the College Council and regular reports to the College Assembly.
- Subcommittees
Committee members must serve on only one subcommittee. Remaining subcommittee members will be solicited from the College at large. Subcommittees will hold at least one open meeting a semester to gather College wide input.
- Academic Resources
- Membership
Manager of Academic Computing, Library Director, Three Faculty, One Staff, One Student.
- Administrative Resources
- Membership
Manager of Administrative Computing, Manager of Instructional Technology and Communications, One Faculty; Two Staff, One Student.
- Emerging Technologies
- Membership
Director of Computer and Information Services, Academic Dean, Two Faculty, One Staff, One Library Staff, One Student.
- Web/Email
- Membership
Web Manager, One Library Staff, Two Faculty, One Staff, One Student
- Membership
Vice President of Student Development, Director of College Ministries, Director of Student Activities, Director of Residence Life, four faculty members nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, one staff member nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, and three student members chosen by Student Senate.
- Terms
Elected members shall serve three years with at least one member elected each year. Students shall serve a term of one year, which shall be renewable.
- Chairperson
The Vice President of Student Development shall serve as chairperson.
- Duties
- To serve as advisory to the Vice President of Student Development
- To serve as the Student Conduct Committee as needed
- To approve recognition and status of student organizations upon the recommendation of the Student Senate
- To review, research and recommend student life policies and concerns
- To select students for inclusion for Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities
- To undertake other duties as directed by the College Assembly
- To submit an annual report to the VP of Dominican Life and Mission and regular reports to the College Assembly.
- Membership
Athletic Director, Faculty Athletic Representative, Senior Women’s Administrator, Male and Female Student Representatives, one faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, one staff nominated by Staff Affairs and elected by the Staff Association, and one student elected by Student Government.
- Terms
Faculty Association and Staff Association members are three-year rotating terms. Students shall serve a term of one year, which shall be renewable.
- Chairperson
The Athletic Director shall serve as chairperson.
- Duties
- To regularly review policies and procedures governing athletics and to recommend appropriate changes.
- To act in an advisory capacity to the Athletic Director, College Assembly and College Administrators.
- To advise the Director on the departmental budget.
- To submit an annual report to the VP of Dominican Life and Mission and regular reports to the College Assembly.
- DOMINICAN MISSION COMMITTEE (name change 09-20-07)
- Membership
Vice President for Dominican Life and Mission, a representative of Religious Studies Department, a representative of Dominican Life, the director of Marketing and Communications, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and one faculty appointed jointly by VPAA and Dominican Life and Mission. The VP for Dominican Life and Mission will convene this committee.
- Elected: One faculty nominated by the Nominations and Governance Committee and elected by the Faculty Association, one staff elected by Staff Association.
- Terms
Elected faculty and staff will serve two-year terms.
- Chairperson
The VP of Dominican Life and Mission will serve as Chair.
- Duties
- To promote the Catholic intellectual tradition in curricular and co-curricular programs
- To continue the exploration of Edgewood’s Catholic and Dominican identity and to share the fruit of that study with the college community.
- To enrich Edgewood’s Dominican and Catholic tradition through dialogue and in collaboration with other religious traditions in our diverse community.
- To model that college policies and procedures embody Principles of Catholic social teaching.
- To model and support that the religious faith and practices of all community members are affirmed and respected.
Two types of committees formed for a particular purpose.
- Ad Hoc
These are committees formed for a particular event or purpose whose existence is assumed to be for one year or less.
- Standing Committees
These are committees whose task is understood as on-going, but whose responsibilities relate to matters not covered by the above-named committees.
Article III
These bylaws may be amended by a three fifths vote of those members of the College Assembly entitled to vote who are present at the meeting when such a vote is taken. A vote on an amendment to the Bylaws may not be taken on the same day such amendment is proposed. Veto provisions described in Article I, C, 7 apply to amendments, as well as to other actions of the College Assembly.