Feb 05, 2025  
2021-22 Faculty Handbook 
2021-22 Faculty Handbook

Faculty Internship Pilot Program


Background and Context:

This opportunity comes from the Inclusive Internship Project gift given by the Oscar Rennebohm Foundation. Edgewood College values enriched learning and desires that schools, departments and programs support students in reflective and meaningful internship opportunities. Maintaining an internship program which is impactful requires that faculty have adequate time and resources to guide and assess the student experience as well as communicate with the on-site supervisor. For this work, faculty should be fairly compensated and recognized for their work. The college acknowledges that variation in size, structure and intent among schools, departments and programs necessitates some flexibility in a faculty internship compensation policy.


Internships Supervised on Individual Student Basis: Compensation by Overload Pay

Internships may be offered on an individual basis with a faculty member receiving compensation above his or her annual contracted salary.  These individual internship experiences require registration in an Edgewood course such as IC 270/470, or a department specific course affiliated with an individual student, as approved by the Department Chair and the Academic Dean’s Office.

  1. The amount of compensation will be computed as $100/credit hour after the conclusion of the academic term in which the internship is successfully completed i.e. course grade submitted and transcripted. (See Internships at Edgewood College Definition for hours-per-credit model.)
  2. Internship instruction is taken on by a faculty member as overload, not as part of his/her regular load.


Course-based Internships

Departments, schools and programs are encouraged to offer internships on a course-basis with the faculty sponsor compensated as part of his/her standard teaching load. Faculty pay is determined according to faculty load/structure established by the department.

Departments and programs that have existing internship courses in their faculty workload are not included in this pilot program.

As a general rule, 16 students per course is the recommended upper limit for a single faculty supervisor to ensure a high quality experience for all students. Faculty supervising more than 16 students should consult with their department chair to discuss their course and supervision methodology.


  1. Faculty supervising individual internships must inform the department chair of their intention to seek annual overload pay in advance of student registration in an internship course.
  2. Faculty supervising individual internships should document their hours.
  3. Faculty seeking overload pay for internship supervision must submit a report of expected annual internship hours to the department chair by the first day of classes in the semester so that overload may be applied to their salary.
  4. Department chairs must verify faculty internship hours and make faculty aware of the compensation policy and procedures.
  5. Department chairs must submit projected overload information to their dean and the Academic Dean’s Office in a timely fashion to permit salary, schedule and hiring adjustments.
  6. At the end of an academic term, a report will be generated (prompted by the Academic Dean’s Office) identifying faculty who have instructed students successfully through the completion of their internship. This report will inform the amount of compensation. along with the amount that they will be compensated.
  7. If a faculty member is supervising students participating in summer internships, the must meet all the guidelines and expectations of Edgewood College sanctioned internships and are compensated according to this compensation policy.
  8. Exceptions to this policy may be considered with support from the dean and approval from the VPAA.



To be compensated for instructing a student internship experience, a faculty must meet the following expectations:

  1. Ensure the course enrollment for the internship experience.
  2. Assist student in completion of an Internship Agreement Form with their on-site supervisor that identifies learning outcomes for the experience.
  3. Clearly communicates expectations to the student including evaluation and grading criteria.
  4. Maintain regular communication with the student including meeting in person at least twice each term a student is registered.
  5. Provide feedback on student reflections throughout the internship.
  6. Coordinate completion of Internship Assessment between student and on-site supervisor.