Edgewood College Syllabus Policy
Updated September 2019
Rationale for Policy
The syllabus is likely the first document related to your classes that your students will encounter. Each course syllabus should welcome students and invite them into the learning community that you seek to create. As an artifact of an inclusive, equity-minded practice, a course syllabus should offer each student a sense of belonging in the class. Another aspect of inclusion and equity is ensuring that students receive clear and consistent information about the content and expectations for each course in which they enroll. The policy is meant to ensure that instructors communicate course requirements to students in a timely way. The policy also helps students get access to key institutional policies and information if they are enrolled in any course. This policy also helps the institution meet criteria set forth for accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. It is the Academic Dean’s Office’s expectation that faculty abide by the Syllabus Policy and Guidelines below. The Academic Deans Office will periodically audit syllabi to ensure that syllabi align with this policy.
It is expected that all syllabi will be submitted using the online syllabus tool beginning with the Spring 2020 semester. Doing so will improve availability of syllabi and consistency in information provided to students, and will help the College meet accreditation expectations.
A syllabus is a document that, at minimum, does the following:
- Welcomes students, and offers all students a sense of belonging in the class
- Communicates key course information
- Defines expectations for student success and sets responsibilities for students in a course
- Describes the course content and major assessments that will be used to understand student learning
- Defines learning outcomes for the course
- Explicitly names course requirements and criteria for course grading
- Identifies student resources for course success
- Identifies important institutional policies related to academic success and classroom behavior
- Faculty will provide students with a syllabus for all college courses that confer academic credit.
- Syllabi will include course information compatible with the Edgewood College Catalog and timetable for the term in which the course is taught.
- Syllabi will include learning outcomes compatible with department, program, or general education learning outcomes, as appropriate to the course.
- Syllabi will be available to students on Blackboard by the course start date or distributed in person on the first day of class.
- The Academic Dean’s Office will update annually a Guide for Syllabus Content and the policies that should be included in syllabi for that academic year. Current language for college-wide policies will automatically populate these sections of the online syllabus template.
Syllabus Content and Policy Guide for 2019-20 Academic Year
A syllabus should contain the following content. Items designated with (*) are required for all syllabi.
- General Course Information
- Course Name*
- Course Number*
- Term Course is taught*
- Academic Year*
- Course Format*
- Course Credits*
- Faculty Member Information
- Instructor Name*
- Professional Title
- Office Location
- Office Phone Number
- Office Hours*
- Email Address (Edgewood Only)*
- Preferred Method of Communication
- WebEx Virtual Meeting Office (if appropriate)
- Other Faculty Information (website, photo, video welcome, etc.)
- Course Content and Learning Outcomes
- Course Description*
- Course Goals
- Learning Outcomes*
- Pre-requisites and/or co-requisites*
- Other special information about the course (COR, capstones, etc.)
- Course Materials Required
- Textbook or other resources*
- Class materials needed
- What it means to be a member of the course
- Expectation for time spent in and outside the classroom*
- Attendance Policy
- Participation Policy
- Class discussion expectations
- Use of Preferred Names and Pronouns
- Assignments and Grades
- Major Assignments*
- Grade Schema for the course*
- Late Work Policy
- Course Cancelation Notification
- Institutional Policies (the online submission tool will pre-populate these for you)
- Academic Honesty
- Non-Discrimination and Harassment
- Title IX
- Links to the Student Handbook and Catalog
- Student Resources (the online submission tool will pre-populate descriptions and contact information)
- Technology Assistance
- Academic Success and Career Development Center
- Writing Center
- Library
- Accessibility and Disability Services
- Military and Veteran’s Services
- Wellness Center
- Course Schedule
- Schedule of major course topics/events
- How schedule changes will be communicated
Policy Language
The following institutional policy language should be included in every syllabus. Please do not modify this language.
Academic Honesty Policy
As members of a scholarly community dedicated to healthy intellectual development, students and faculty at Edgewood College are expected to share the responsibility for maintain high standards of honesty and integrity in their academic work.
Each student should reflect this sense of responsibility toward the community by submitting work that is a product of his or her own effort in a particular course, unless the instructor has directed otherwise. In order to clarify and emphasize its standards for academic honesty, the College has adopted this policy.
The following are examples of violations of standards for academic honesty and are subject to academic sanctions:
- Cheating on exams, submitting collaborative work as one’s own, falsifying records, achievements, field or laboratory data or other coursework.
- Stealing examination or course materials.
- Submitting work previously submitted in another course, unless specifically approved by the present instructor.
- Falsifying documents or signing as an instructor or administrator’s name to a document or form.
- Plagiarism.
- Or aiding another student in any of the above actions.
Suspected violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will be reported to the Academic Dean’s Office.
FERPA Policy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, provides that students have the right to see their records (accessibility) and to determine who will see their records (confidentiality). Detailed information on the provisions of the Act and its applications are included in the Student Handbook.
Non-Discrimination and Harassment
College policy specifically prohibits discrimination or harassment based on any characteristic protected under law, including gender identity and expression. The College affirms and protects the rights and opportunities of all persons to a working and learning environment free from discrimination and harassment. If you have been the target of (or have witnessed) an incident of discrimination, you may report this online by going to http://diversity.edgewood.edu/report-an-incident.
Upon submission of this form, it will be sent to Edgewood’s Director of Diversity & Inclusion.
You may also directly contact the Director of Diversity & Inclusion in Predolin 239.
Phone: 608-663-3274
Email: diversity@edgewood.edu
Diversity & Inclusion at Edgewood: http://diversity.edgewood.edu/
Office of Student Inclusion & Involvement: http://diversity.edgewood.edu/Student-Diversity
Title IX
Edgewood College policy specifically prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct and relationship violence. Harassment of individuals based on their gender, gender identity or gender expression is prohibited. All faculty and staff, with exception of confidential support options, are required to share reports of sexual misconduct or harassment with the Title IX Coordinator. For comprehensive Title IX Information, including confidential and non-confidential campus resources and off-campus resources see https://www.edgewood.edu/student-life/title-ix.
Links to Student Handbook and Catalog
Edgewood College Student Rights & Responsibilities: http://deanofstudents.edgewood.edu/2017-2018-Student-Handbook
Edgewood College Catalog: http://catalog.edgewood.edu
Recommended Resources for Students
The following information should be included for students. This section is not required but strongly encouraged.
Technology Assistance
Please note: never share your login and password information with anyone else!
If you are experiencing any technical problems or with your course Blackboard site, please contact the Technology Assistance Center:
Phone: 608-663-6900
Email: Technology-Assistance@edgewood.edu
Academic Success and Career Development
The Academic Success and Career Development Center (ASCDC) assists students with a variety of learning needs. https://www.edgewood.edu/student-life/academic-success
The ASCDC takes a developmental approach to helping students grow academically, professionally, and personally. Some examples of the services provided include:
- Peer tutoring in introductory classes
- Drop-in assistance Math
- Study skills assistance (time management, qualitative skill development, test-taking strategies, etc.)
- Career development
- Internship placement
The ASCDC is located in DeRicci 206.
Phone: 608-663-2281
Email: success@edgewood.edu
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-4:30
Writing Center
The Writing Center, located in the library (1st floor, behind Printing & Copy Center) offers free, drop-in service to all students. No appointment is necessary. Tutors offer feedback on all aspects of writing, from organization, evidence, and flow, to citations and punctuation. Students can work off a laptop, or tutors can print out a draft at no cost. You can find more information at http://writing-center.edgewood.edu
Phone: 608-663-3293
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-9, Friday 9-2, Sunday 1-5
Edgewood Library
The Oscar Rennebohm Library is a great spot for quiet study and group work. We have reservable study rooms, a large computer lab, ample comfortable seating, and lots of access to power and wifi. Librarians are available in person and online anytime the library is open. We are eager to help with research and citation questions. For more information, visit https://library.edgewood.edu
Accessibility and Disability
If you are a student with a documented disability and are interested in accommodations for this course, the Office of Student Accessibility and Disability Services (DeRicci 206) can assist you. Each student shall be expected to make timely and appropriate disclosure and requests to effectively set up services. All requests for services and disabilities documentation are confidential.
If you have questions about services, accommodations, or documentation requirements, or to make an appointment, see the Accessibility & Disability Services website, http://accessibility.edgewood.edu/, or contact the Director at:
Phone: 608-663-2381
Email: AccessDisabilityServ@edgewood.edu
Military and Veteran’s Services
At Edgewood College, we appreciate the sacrifice that military service demands, no matter where your career took you. We are pleased to welcome all veterans and dependents to our campuses and outreach locations. If you have any questions regarding federal educational benefits, degree programs that are available, or about veterans’ services that are offered at Edgewood College please feel free to contact the Director of Military & Veterans Services in DeRicci 124A. https://www.edgewood.edu/veterans
Phone: 608-663-4266
Email: veterans@edgewood.edu
Wellness Center
The Wellness Center (http://health.edgewood.edu/) is located in Dominican 122, and is home to Health Services, Personal Counseling, and the Rape Crisis Center Advocate. Health Service Professionals specialize in college health, trained to meet your specific needs and concerns, in a confidential manner. We are a full-service medical clinic, here for you in times of illness or injury, as well as addressing your preventative medical needs. Personal Counseling provides individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, psychoeducational and preventative outreach services, consultation to students, parents, faculty, and staff, and training for graduate students in counseling.
Phone: 608.663.8334
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9-4 (closed 12-1)
Appointments: Call the office, or self-schedule online (http://health.edgewood.edu/self-scheduling)
Patient Portal: https://14456.portal.athenahealth.com/ – Use the patient portal to schedule your own appointments, email a provider, download test results, complete forms prior to a visit, and more