Feb 05, 2025  
2021-22 Faculty Handbook 
2021-22 Faculty Handbook

Policies Governing Academic Rank, Promotion and Tenure

Purpose of Policies and Criteria for Promotion and Tenure

Policies regarding rank, promotion and tenure are intended to assure Edgewood College the services of a strong, effective and scholarly faculty. Vitality and excellence in teaching and learning are the products of a scholar’s sustained growth and development. Edgewood College nurtures scholarship in the context of a Dominican commitment to vital and free inquiry. The College expects its faculty to mature and develop as scholars, as colleagues, and as bearers of the College’s Mission, Vision and its Sinsinawa Dominican traditions. Criteria for academic rank, promotion and tenure are designed to guide and reward the growth of individual faculty members and to ensure academic freedom. These policies and criteria are to be understood in light of the College’s Mission, Vision, Identity and Diversity Statements and Edgewood College’s Conception of Scholarship. A faculty member’s scholarship should embrace teaching and the individual’s contributions to the discovery, integration and/or application of knowledge.

Applications for Promotion and Tenure

Evidence bearing on promotion and tenure should be collected as part of the faculty member’s regular evaluation and should be maintained in the faculty member’s portfolio and evaluation file as described in “Faculty Evaluation Guidelines and Process.” On the basis of that data and such other evidence as may be required, applications for promotion and tenure should be supported by:

  1. An application essay by the candidate which (a) states how the candidate’s past growth and future goals fit the mission and vision of the College and the long term plans of his/her school/department and (b) specifically addresses how the candidate has met the criteria for the rank and/or tenured status she/he is seeking.
  2. Appropriate documentation of (a) sustained scholarly growth and achievement in teaching, (b) scholarly development and productivity in the discovery, integration and/or application of knowledge, (c) significant contributions to student development through advising, moderating student activities, etc. and (d) maturing participation in governance and collegial activities. Such documentation should include but is not limited to: letters from colleagues within and without the discipline which address how the candidate has met the criteria for promotion and/or tenure, student and peer evaluations of teaching quality and effectiveness, records and evaluations of assistance to students in registration, academic decisions, etc., reports of research projects, creative activities, convention or conference participation, and other scholarly presentations and publications, summary of collegial and governance activities.
  3. A recommendation from the candidate’s academic school/department, which (a) states how the candidate’s development and goals fit the school’s/department’s long-term goals, (b) provides an evaluation of the candidate’s past and prospective scholarly and collegial contributions to the school/department, and (c) reports the results of a vote taken within the school/department regarding the candidate’s application for tenure.

A deepening understanding of and commitment to the College’s Mission, Vision and its Sinsinawa Dominican traditions, including a commitment to diversity and inclusion, should be evident throughout a faculty member’s activities.

Criteria for Academic Ranks and Promotion

Non-Tenure Track Appointments

As described in Faculty Handbook (Categories for Non-Tenure Track Faculty positions).


Master’s Degree and substantial commitment to acquiring the accepted terminal degree in his/her discipline. Commitment to superior teaching, student development and student advising. Understands and supports the Mission and Vision of the College. Engages in College governance and collegial projects. Demonstrates an awareness and openness to appreciation of diversity and inclusion.

Assistant Professor

Completion of terminal degree or firm expectation thereof, together with indication of promise of scholarly growth in the acquisition of knowledge. Evidence of superior teaching. Commitment to student development and student advising. Collaborates effectively in school/departmental and College governance and in other collegial activities. Supports diversity and inclusion initiatives.  Manifests commitment to the Mission and Vision of the College and its Sinsinawa Dominican traditions.

Associate Professor

Has been at the Assistant Professor rank for no fewer than three years before application for promotion. Demonstrates excellence in teaching and advising, pursues a program of scholarly activity as defined by the Edgewood College scholarship document and has the degree accepted as terminal in his/her discipline. Contributes to school/departmental affairs, academic programs, college governance, collegial activities, student life and the promotion of diversity and inclusion. Supports the Mission and Vision of the College.


Sustains excellence in teaching. Achieves recognition outside the College for scholarship. Manifests an exemplary commitment to the College’s Mission and its Sinsinawa Dominican traditions. Provides leadership in articulating and interpreting the College’s Vision. Demonstrates engagement in diversity and inclusion related efforts.  Mentors junior faculty. Minimum of ten years’ full-time college teaching.

Criteria for Tenure

Tenure at Edgewood College shall be granted to full time faculty members in tenurable positions upon the recommendation of the Academic Rank Committee, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President, and with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Academic Rank Committee shall make its recommendation concerning a candidate’s tenure based on the quality of the candidate’s growth and achievements as a scholar in teaching and advancing knowledge and on the candidate’s contributions to the College community. Candidates recommended for tenure have previously achieved the rank of Associate Professor. Thus, to attain tenure a candidate must demonstrate a continuing record of excellence in teaching and advising, demonstrate a public record of scholarly activity as defined by the Edgewood College scholarship document, and have the degree accepted as terminal in his/her discipline. In addition, the candidate must provide leadership for school/departmental affairs, academic programs, college governance, collegial activities, and student life and contribute to the Mission and Vision of the College. Furthermore, the faculty member should demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion.  Faculty hired to probationary appointments with the rank of Associate Professor may attain tenure by demonstrating continued growth and development within the context of their school/departmental and institution-wide responsibilities. Normally tenure is applied for in the sixth year of full time teaching.

Eligibility for Tenure

Continuous tenure shall be granted only to full-time faculty with the rank of Associate Professor or higher after serving a defined period of time at Edgewood College as described in the table below. A faculty member’s letter of initial appointment to Edgewood College should specify the number of years of full-time teaching credited to the faculty member on the basis of service at other colleges or universities, the rank to which the faculty member is initially appointed, and the time limits for application for promotion and tenure.

Faculty hired to fill a tenure track position who have not yet completed their terminal degree will be hired as Instructors. The tenure clock will not start until the terminal degree is completed. The faculty member’s appointment letter will state the time limit for completing the terminal degree, normally no more than one year.

Faculty with a terminal degree who hold Assistant Professor rank at another institution or who are without full-time teaching experience will be hired as Assistant Professors. Faculty with rank at Associate Professor or Full Professor rank will be hired at the rank they have earned at the previous college or university.

Previous years of service Earliest year for tenure app Latest year for tenure app
≤ 1 6 6
2-3 5 6
4 4 6
5-8 3 5
≥ 9 2 4

The previous years of teaching experience indicated in the faculty member’s initial contract will determine when they can apply for tenure. Faculty hired with one year or less full-time teaching experience must apply for tenure in their sixth year of teaching at Edgewood College. Faculty hired with two to three years teaching experience can first apply for tenure in their fifth year of teaching at Edgewood College; they must apply for tenure no later than their sixth year. Faculty hired with four years teaching experience can first apply for tenure in their fourth year of teaching at Edgewood College; they must apply in their sixth year. Faculty hired with five to eight years teaching experience can first apply for tenure in their third year of teaching at Edgewood College; they must apply no later than their fifth year. Faculty hired with nine or more years of teaching experience can first apply for tenure in their second year of teaching at Edgewood; they must apply no later than their fourth year.

Ordinarily, and unless specifically invited by the Academic Rank Committee, faculty may only apply for tenure once.

Academic Administrators

Academic Administrator positions include:

  • Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean
  • Associate Academic Dean
  • Deans, Associate Deans and Assistant Deans of Schools
  • Director of the Library

Hiring to the above positions shall be the result of a national search, in compliance with Faculty Handbook Section 3.4 “New Faculty Search Procedures”.

Academic administrators will have faculty rank but not tenure.

Edgewood College does not grant tenure to academic administrators upon hire from outside the college.

In the event that a serving Edgewood College tenured faculty member moves internally into a full-time academic administrative position (e.g., Dean), this faculty member will forego tenure for the time of his or her administrative appointment. The faculty member should serve in this role for an initial period of 5 years, after which time the faculty member will either a) assume the administrative role full-time, relinquishing his or her tenured faculty position, or b) resume his or her faculty position with tenure.

If the academic administrative appointment ends at a later point in time, the administrator may resume a faculty teaching appointment with tenure provided all of the following conditions are met: the candidate has maintained currency in the field; there is need in the program/department; there is funding available; the relevant department/program supports the appointment; and the VPAA and President support the appointment.

Request for Tenure Clock Extension

Extensions are intended to accommodate faculty and the institution in those cases in which compelling circumstances have the potential to delay the development of the faculty member’s program on the normal schedule dictated by the original appointment term. Standards for tenure and promotion review remain the same, whether or not an extension is granted. The faculty extension request is reviewed at the discretion of the Dean of the respective School, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and forwarded to the Academic Rank Committee. The Dean of the respective school is required to include a letter written in support or opposition. Approval is then voted on and communicated by the Academic Rank Committee, and recorded by the Human Resource and Academic Dean’s Offices. Examples of compelling circumstances may include:

  • Qualifying conditions under Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which include care for a child, spouse, parent with a serious health condition, a personal serious health condition, care for an adopted or foster child, birth or care for a newborn, and care for a family member injured while on active duty for the Armed Services.
  • Major disruption of key services or major program redirection beyond the reasonable control of the faculty member.
  • A substantial assumption of administrative duties by the faculty member.

Other disruptions resulting in an altered timeline progression to tenure, to be reviewed on an individual basis.

Processes for Promotion and Tenure

Promotion and Tenure at Edgewood College shall be recommended by the Academic Rank Committee as stated in Article III, A, 4, e, of the Faculty Association By-Laws.

By October 1st, the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) will notify faculty whose years in rank and earned degrees make them eligible for promotion and/or tenure consideration in the following academic year. Eligible faculty should respond in writing by January 30th.

Applications for promotion and tenure together with supporting documents should be in the hands of the VPAA by September 15th. The VPAA will transmit these items to the Academic Rank Committee.

The Academic Rank Committee shall then, upon consideration of the candidate’s application and supporting documentation and using such means as it deems expedient, make a recommendation based on the Criteria for Tenure. The Academic Rank Committee’s decision shall be reached by majority vote, and its recommendations and that of the VPAA will be submitted in writing to the President of the College by December 15.

In the event that a favorable recommendation for promotion or tenure is made by the Academic Rank Committee and the VPAA, the President shall then submit it, along with his/her own recommendation in writing, to the Board of Trustees of Edgewood College.

In the event that the Academic Rank Committee does not recommend that a candidate be granted tenure, the candidate may appeal this decision in accord with the Grievance Procedure of the Faculty Affairs Committee.

Promotion and Tenure Process and Timeline

October 1   Letters (with “Promotion and Tenure Process and Timeline” enclosed) to faculty whose years in rank and earned degrees make them eligible for promotion and/or tenure consideration. Letters include request for written response by January 30. (Note: Promotion consideration is optional. Letter of eligibility will indicate whether or not tenure consideration is optional)
October 15   Memo to all other faculty, notifying them of the process and timeline and inviting questions by October 30.
October 30   Deadline for receipt of questions from non-candidate faculty.
January 30   Deadline for responses from candidates
April   Letters to candidates’ departments requesting written recommendation
September 15   Candidate’s portfolio and appropriate supporting documentation (see below) submitted by candidates due in the Academic Dean’s Office
September 22   Documentation submitted by and on behalf of candidates will be available for study by departmental colleagues and members of the Academic Rank Committee
October 15   Departmental recommendation (see below) due in Academic Dean’s Office.
Oct 30-Dec 15   Academic Rank Committee will evaluate all documentation, supplement it as deemed expedient, and make appropriate recommendations to the President and Educational Policy Committee of the Board
January–February   Review and action by Educational Policy Committee
March   Board of Trustees meeting for action

The Educational Policy Committee and the President will make his recommendations to the Board. Assuming that the Board of Trustees acts on these recommendations at its March meeting, the decisions will be communicated to the candidates no later than the date of issuance of their annual contract (March 14-April 30).

Departmental recommendation

(Request sent April; letters due October 15)

The departmental recommendation should:

  1. State how the candidate’s development and goals fit the department’s long-term goals;
  2. Provide an evaluation of the candidate’s past and prospective scholarly and collegial contributions to the department;
  3. Provide support for the perceived excellence, with some explanation of where this perception came from, of the applicant’s teaching within the department;

Report the results of a vote taken within the department regarding the candidate’s application and the count resulting from the vote.

Candidate’s Portfolio

(Due September 15)

The overall submission should be limited to one portfolio. Electronic portfolios are encouraged using Foliotek, the College’s provider of assessment portfolios. Please contact the Faculty Development Coordinator for assistance with using the Foliotek system. If a hard copy portfolio is submitted, please also provide a CD-ROM of the portfolio that will be uploaded to Sharepoint for confidential review by the Academic Rank committee.

It is strongly recommended that the candidate request a portfolio review prior to submission, either by the VPAA, a member of the Academic Rank committee, or a member of one’s department who has successfully completed the process. Sample essays are available in the VPAA office.

The portfolio should include:

  1. A three to five-page application essay which:
    • States how the candidate’s past growth and future goals fit the mission of the College and the long-term plans of his/her department;
    • Specifically addresses how the candidate has met the criteria for the rank and/or tenured status she/he is seeking.
    • A deepening understanding of and commitment to the College’s Mission and its Sinsinawa Dominican traditions.
  2. Professional Documentation:
    • Resume that follows the model available in the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office (one page, two sided, no longer, for submission to the Board of Trustees).
    • Curriculum vitae
    • All annual and five-year evaluations by department chair or school dean.
  3. Supporting documentation that clearly indicates how one has met the appropriate criteria as outlined in the Faculty Handbook. The supporting documentation should be divided into three sections: one devoted to teaching, one to scholarship and professional development and one to service to the constituent unit, college and community. These sections should be preceded by a two to three-page introduction that summarizes the following:
    1. Teaching: Sustained scholarly growth and achievement in teaching: Include a statement of teaching philosophy. The candidate should also include a self-reflection and critique of one’s own teaching, analyzing and addressing course evaluations and indicating one’s teaching goals and plans for improvement.
    2. Scholarship: Scholarly development and productivity in the discovery, integration and/or application of knowledge: It is especially important that one make a case for scholarly activities which are not as obvious as peer-reviewed publications or juried presentations.
    3. Service: Summary of department/school, collegial and governance activities. Significant contributions to student development through advising, moderating student activities, etc. Contributions to student life and advising are considered part of service to the constituent unit and the College. Community involvement related to one’s professional expertise.

Information regarding criteria for promotion and tenure is included in Sections 3-7, 3-8, and 3-9 of the Faculty Handbook.

Appropriate documentation for 3a-c above should include:

  1. Letters from colleagues within and without the discipline that address how the candidate has met the criteria for promotion and/or tenure (no more than 5 letters from peers). [Note: Members of Academic Rank Committee are prohibited from writing these letters].
    Letters from peers, departmental/ school colleagues, and students should be sealed and mailed by the authors directly to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. Evaluations of teaching quality and effectiveness
    1. Samples of syllabi, video clips, other appropriate teaching artifacts.
    2. Student evaluation data and comments: guidelines as to the depth and breadth required, with guidance concerning assembly and formatting, are attached.
    3. 3-4 recent evaluations of teaching from peers. Teaching evaluations should cover different courses over a few years’ time span. [Note: Peer evaluations from current members of Academic Rank Committee are prohibited; however, evaluations from current members that predate their membership on Academic Rank Committee will be accepted].
  3. Records and evaluations of assistance to students in advising, assistance to students in registration, academic decisions, coursework, etc. No more than three letters from students who are not currently in your class, or from alumni, are acceptable but not required.
  4. Reports of research projects, creative activities, convention or conference participation, and other scholarly presentations and publications; as defined by the Edgewood College Scholarship Statement.
  5. List of department/school, collegial and governance activities.

The following two forms of reporting student evaluation data and comments should be assembled at the front of a section entitled “Student Evaluations”.

  1. Course Evaluation Histories: For each course taught in the two academic years preceding application, candidate should create a Course Evaluation History. A course history includes the following pieces, gathered together, for every section of the course taught at Edgewood College:
    • survey results on all evaluation questions,
    • all corresponding students comments
  2. Customer Report:  For each of the two years preceding application, candidate should create a Custom Report with data for all courses taught aggregated for the year.

** Please see the Academic Dean’s Office for help in pulling these reports.