Adjuncts, Lecturers, Special Lecturers, Senior Adjuncts and Senior Lecturers should be evaluated on an ongoing basis.
- Professional Portfolio. Adjuncts, Lecturers and Special Lecturers will be encouraged to maintain a portfolio documenting their growth in scholarship, teaching and service as relevant to the responsibilities of their appointment.
- Observation of Teaching. After the first year of teaching, a non-tenure track faculty member’s teaching will be observed at least once a year or every 12 credits, whichever is longer, by the head of their constituent unit or other designated faculty member within that constituent unit. Results of this observation will be discussed with the faculty member and a written summary provided to the faculty member and the head of the constituent unit.
- Evaluation. The head of the constituent unit to which a non-tenure track faculty member is appointed will review the individual’s student evaluations on an ongoing basis and will provide feedback to the faculty member, including any strengths, concerns, and other points of note. In addition, the head of the constituent unit will provide a written evaluation of the faculty member’s performance every two years or every 24 credits, whichever is longer. The evaluation can occur more often if deemed necessary by the head of the constituent unit.
If the faculty member’s sole responsibility is teaching, this should be the focus of the evaluation. If the faculty member has additional responsibilities, these should be evaluated accordingly.
- As relevant to the position to which this individual is appointed, the faculty member is responsible for maintaining currency regarding the needs of the constituent unit and the College as a whole.
- The faculty member’s professional goals should be taken into account in the biennial written evaluation. The faculty member is responsible for articulating their professional goals and providing these in writing to the head of the constituent unit.
- The biennial written evaluation should be discussed with the faculty member as well as with the Dean of the School to which this individual is assigned. The written evaluation will be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.
- Faculty Development. The college or constituent unit should provide adequate time and resources for the development of non-tenure track faculty.
Required Components of NTT portfolios
Guidelines for Construction of Portfolio Elements
- Application Essay and Teaching Statement
- Specifically addresses how the candidate has met the criteria for the rank of Senior Adjunct or Senior Lecturer (See FH 3-9.1 for job descriptions by category)
- States how the applicants past growth and future goals fit the mission and values of the College, and the long-term goals of the Department/School.
- Includes a Teaching Philosophy section
- Includes a self-reflection and critique of one’s own teaching and teaching goals, in response to course evaluations
- Documents and reflects on professional development in teaching
- Course Evaluations
- Course evaluation histories *
- Custom Reports *
- Teaching Observations
- 2-3 recent (past 3-4 years) letters from Edgewood colleagues and Edgewood courses
- Department Letter of Support
- Summarizes applicant’s qualifications for promotion and contributions to the Department/School
- Reports the count result of a Department/School vote of support by the tenured and tenure-track faculty
- Annual Review Letters
- Annual evaluation letters by the Department Chair/School Dean for each year of Edgewood employment
- Service Statement (optional for Sr. Adjunct; required for Sr. Lecturer)
- Summary of Department, School, and/or College governance activities
- Contributions to student development and/or student life
- Community involvement related to professional expertise
- Scholarship statement (optional for both Sr. Adjunct and Sr. Lecturer)
- Documentation of scholarly pursuits and products consistent with the College’s “Scholarship Statement” in FH Section 3-7.
Procedure for Department-level review of portfolio, and recommendation for promotion.
The following timeline and procedure will ensure that the candidate and Department/School have completed their necessary work in time for the planning of staffing, teaching loads, and appointment levels for the coming year. This will also provide plenty of notice to the Office of Academic Affairs regarding the will of the Department/School as to what level of appointment its staff deserves.
- The College requires applicants to notify the Office of Academic Affairs of their intent to apply for promotion by January 30 of the academic year prior to that in which promotion would take effect (e.g. Januar 30, 2016 for the 2016-17 academic year).
- The applicant will make their portfolio available to the Department/School on or by February 28 of the academic year prior to that in which promotion would take effect.
- The Department/School will review portfolios and hold a vote of support for candidate promotion by March 31 of the academic year prior to that in which promotion woudl take effect.
- The candidate may then submit their complete portfolio package and request for promotion to the Office of Academic Affairs, in time for the issuance of contracts for the coming year.
Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty
After four years and/or 72 credits, including credit that may be granted for prior experience, of demonstrated teaching excellence or equivalent professional success, faculty appointed as Adjuncts or Lecturers may apply for promotion to Senior Adjunct or Senior Lecturer status as such positions are available. The faculty member must state in writing to the Academic Dean/VPAA his/her intentions to apply for promotion to Senior status according to the annual deadline determined by the Academic Rank and Promotion Committee.
- The application for promotion should include a letter of support from the head of the faculty member’s constituent unit, and evidence of successful teaching, including summaries of course evaluations and other materials compiled by the faculty member in a professional portfolio.
- If the faculty member’s sole responsibility is teaching, this should be the focus of the application for promotion to Senior status. If the faculty member has additional responsibilities, these should be documented accordingly, and addressed in the letter of support from the head of the faculty member’s constituent unit