Feb 05, 2025
2021-22 Faculty Handbook
Emeritus Status
Emerita/us rank is an honor given to retired faculty members who have made substantial contributions to Edgewood College and to their profession in areas of teaching and service.
Upon retirement from a minimum of ten years of full-time teaching or academic administrative duties at Edgewood College, a tenured faculty member will be considered for Emerita/us status. Normally, this rank is conferred upon a faculty member who has attained the highest relevant degree associated with their discipline or the rank of tenured Associate Professor. The individual must have made substantial contributions to the college in some combination of teaching, service and scholarship. Other faculty members (including part-time members) may be nominated for Emerita/us status at the discretion of the President.
The faculty members’ school/department will normally initiate the nomination of an individual for Emerita/us rank; however, nominations may also originate from the individual, the School Dean, the Academic Dean or the President. However, in all cases a letter of support from the relevant department briefly highlighting the nominee’s outstanding contributions to Edgewood College (and the community) should be submitted to the Academic Rank Committee. The faculty member’s evaluation file in the Academic Dean’s Office will be available to the Academic Rank Committee for making their recommendation. The Academic Rank Committee will then make its recommendation to the Academic Dean who will advise the President. The President will bring the recommendation before the Board of Trustees for a final decision.
Professors with Emerita/us status at Edgewood College will:
- Be eligible to participate in college-sponsored activities on the same basis as full-time faculty including membership in the Faculty Association.
- Be invited to all ceremonial academic events
- Be listed among the school/departmental faculty in the official publications of the College
- Have access to the College facilities
- Have library privileges
- Be provided with office space where possible
- Have the course-audit fee waived.
A faculty member with Emerita/us status may serve as a paid staff member in teaching or other duties at the option and according to the needs of the school/department and the College.