Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Edgewood College Catalog 
2022-2023 Edgewood College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Athletics Residence Life 
Edgewood Central Security 
Mission, Values, & Inclusion:  Campus Ministry Student Organizations
Oscar Rennebohm Library Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement
Writing Center OSII Programming Ambassadors
Student Activities in Music, Theatre and English Multicultural Student Lounge
Student Senate Queer Student Center
The Division of Student Development and Dean of Students Office Multicultural Student Organizations and Groups
Center for Student Success Multicultural Student Achievement Program
Student Accessibility and Disability Services  
Office of Military and Veterans Services  
Health Services  
Personal Counseling Services  

Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success (CSS) is a centralized service for all Edgewood College students, faculty, and staff.  We believe connecting students with the best resources will ensure a successful and valuable experience at Edgewood College.  Our goal is to empower students as they explore their personal, career, and educational goals.  

Our dedicated Student Success Advisors collaborate with students throughout their academic experience from facilitating their first academic schedules through major choices, career exploration, and preparations for graduation.  Our Advisors are equipped with many tools to assist students in their academic and career pursuits.  The CSS staff work in partnership with students to connect learning, beliefs, and actions as they develop and implement their academic and career goals.

Student Disability and Accessibility Services

Our mission is to provide accommodations and accessibility support to students with disabilities that will enable them to fully participate in programs and services that are available at Edgewood College. For information regarding policies and procedures of Disability and Accessibility Services, please contact Patrick Godar, Disability and Accessibility Advisor at 608-663-2831 or by emailing pgodar@edgewood.edu.  Information can also be found at our website, https://accessibility.edgewood.edu/.

Office of Military and Veterans Services

The  Edgewood College Office of Military & Veterans Services provides services to assist military personnel, veterans, ROTC Cadets and their families who are interested in attending or who already are taking courses at our institution.

Please contact the Office of Military & Veterans Services at Edgewood College via email at VeteransOffice@edgewood.edu or by phone at 608-663-4266 for general information.  Contact the Veterans Benefits team at VeteransBenefits@edgewood.edu for all veterans benefits questions.

Writing Center

The Writing Center, located in the library (main floor, at the entrance) offers free online and in-person tutoring services to all students (including graduate students).  Writing tutors from various academic disciplines work one-on-one with students at all stages of the writing process.  Students may also “drop off” a paper online to receive written feedback.  For more information, go to our website:  https://edgewood.sharepoint.com/sites/Learning/SitePages/wc-Home.aspx.  We look forward to working with you!

Oscar Rennebohm Library

As the College’s main research and information services provider, the Oscar Rennebohm Library is committed to managing information resources and to educating students, faculty and staff to use these resources effectively.


The Library’s robust collection includes books, journals, newspapers, videos, sound recordings, and K-12 curriculum materials.  The Library webpage serves as a gateway to library resources such as the online catalog, extensive access to full-text journals, research guides, electronic book collections, streaming video, and archival digital collections.  Resources are accessible on or off campus to students, faculty and staff.

Through an arrangement with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Library System, Edgewood College students, faculty and staff have borrowing privileges at all UW-Madison libraries. Students may also apply for a Madison Public Library card with proof of residence. Materials may also be borrowed from libraries throughout the state and country via interlibrary loan. The College is part of a statewide delivery service.


Librarians work closely with students to help them develop skills to effectively access, evaluate and synthesize information. Library staff also collect, organize and preserve relevant materials and develop services to benefit the Edgewood College community. In addition, librarians are available for one-on-one consultation and assist in locating materials.

Services and Facilities

Library facilities include Apple and PC computer workstations offering access to a variety of online information resources, campus licensed software, email, printers, and wireless capabilities throughout the library, copiers, scanners, and other equipment. Three reservable group study rooms are available for student use.

The College Archives, containing the College’s historical publications, documents and memorabilia are housed in the Library. Detailed information on the Library’s hours, policies and other topics is published on the Library’s website, http://library.edgewood.edu.

Student Activities in Music, Theatre and English

The Music Department offers a number of performing groups that are open to all students, regardless of major. Instrumental ensembles include Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble, and Edgewood Chamber Orchestra.  Choral ensembles include Chamber Singers and Edgewood Chorale. Students can also register for private voice or instrumental lessons.  For information on getting involved in music activities or for current concert schedules, contact the Music Department at www.music.edgewood.edu.

As part of the Theatre Arts Department, Edgewood College Theatre produces four main stage productions in the Stream Building’s Diane Ballweg Theatre and our outdoor Stream Amphitheater.  There are also a number of student produced pieces each year, providing lots of opportunities, large and small.  Auditions are open to all, regardless of major; students who wish to work backstage crews for a production are welcome to contact the department as there are many different ways to get involved behind the scenes.  In addition to the Edgewood College Theatre season, the Theatre Arts Department sponsors the student organization, Theatre Assembly.  A friendly, inviting community where students can feel free to be themselves, Theatre Assembly provides programming, events, opportunity and community for anyone interested in theatre, regardless of major.  The elected student planning committee of Theatre Assembly, the Theatre Assembly Planning Committee (TapCo) provides leadership, organization, inspiration and direction for the Theatre Assembly as a whole.  Any students interested in being part of the Theatre Assembly should come to the Green Room, backstage of the theatre and/or contact the Theatre Arts Department.  For more information, visit https://theatre.edgewood.edu.

The English Department offers several opportunities for students, regardless of major, to participate in activities focused on writing, literature, and community.  For journalists, the campus newspaper, On the Edge, is an award-winning print and on-line publication fully staffed by student journalists and advised by a journalism professor.  For writers, artists and editors, our campus literature and art magazine, Lost/Found, is edited by students and showcases poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and artwork by Edgewood College students.  For all students interested in writing and literature, the English Association is a welcoming and fun student group advised in English that sponsors writing retreats, creative writing groups, game nights, film screenings, and Pop Up Poetry.  One of the highlights of the year for student writers occurs in the spring semester every year when the English Department holds a campus wide writing contest judged by a professional author.  For more information, go to https://english.edgewood.edu, and/or contact the English Department.


The Athletic Department sponsors intercollegiate sports for women and men. Women’s sports include basketball, golf, cross country, soccer, softball, tennis, indoor/outdoor track, lacrosse, and volleyball. Men’s sports include baseball, basketball, golf, cross country, soccer, tennis, lacrosse, indoor/outdoor track, and volleyball. Edgewood College is a proud Division III, member of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) and Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference (NACC). For information about the athletic offerings and getting involved in an intercollegiate sport, or for game schedules and locations, go to www.EdgewoodCollegeEagles.com.

Mission, Values, & Inclusion:  Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry supports students in their search for meaning, purpose and identity:  Who am I? How can I make a difference? Is there something more?

Rooted in the College’s Dominican Catholic heritage, Campus Ministry professional staff and student leaders welcome students from the diverse faith traditions and multicultural backgrounds represented within our College community to participate in community building and spiritual development opportunities.  Programming includes student-led discussion, prayer, community engagement, retreats, curricular partnerships, and Chapel worship services.  Staff members are available for individual appointments.

Saint Joseph Chapel in Regina Hall is open to all who are seeking a quiet place for personal reflection or spiritual renewal. Multifaith prayer space is available in DeRicci 209B.  An Ecumenical Midday Prayer is offered Wednesdays at Noon when undergraduate classes are in session.  Catholic Priest-Presiders from the Madison area lead our celebrations of the sacrament of Eucharist.

Edgewood Central

Edgewood Central is the office for students to conduct all business regarding student accounts, registration and financial aid. Edgewood Central is located on the second floor of DeRicci, Room 210 at the Monroe Street Campus.

To speak with an Edgewood Central Counselor, call 608.663.4300 or email at ecentral@edgewood.edu.

The Division of Student Development and Dean of Students Office

The Division of Student Development leads students to succeed by thoughtful collaboration and activities.  We support students as they navigate through challenges in everyday life.  For your life beyond academics, we are here to assist and uplift you.  If you want to join or start a student organization, need help with a disability, are thinking about building your career with an internship, have questions about on-campus housing, want to visit the Wellness Center for mental and physical wellness, seek academic advising assistance and student success programs, as well as access many other student services, we are here to support you.

The Dean of Students Office, a department in the Division of Student Development, is a centralized support location that connects students to appropriate services and resources.  We address students’ personal and procedural concerns and respond to needs of all kinds.  If a student is unsure where to get information they are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office at 608-663-2212, Deanofstudents@edgewood.edu or stop by Predolin Hall 215.  

Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement

The Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement (OSII) promotes, facilitates, and advocates for a welcoming, socially just and inclusive campus community by supporting the retention of diverse student populations.  Our goal is to create a community that recognizes, challenges, and transforms their individual attitudes towards difference, while learning to celebrate the rich contributions of all cultures. 

OSII oversees five main areas:  student equity and diversity, campus programming, leadership programs, off-campus and commuter student services, and new student orientation programs.  OSII serves as the primary source of social, leadership, co-curricular and multicultural campus opportunities for all Edgewood students.  We cultivate a variety of opportunities for campus engagement that creates a well-rounded student experience and works to enhance the academic mission of Edgewood College.

The Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement does not tolerate acts of discrimination, intolerance, or hate.  We expect all community members to assume responsibility for actively understanding and embracing their roles in creating a just and compassionate world. 

Multicultural Student Lounge

The primary mission of the Multicultural Student Lounge is to collaboratively strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus for students, particularly students of color and other historically underserved students.  Here we celebrate the diversity with the Edgewood College community and engage with the multiplicity of human experience.  Our Dominican values and the Catholic Social Teaching principles of the Dignity, Value, and Equality of every Person; the Solidarity of the Human Family; and the service of the Common Good guide us in providing a safe and welcoming space for community, solidarity, engagement and growth within the Lounge.  Students know that this is a great place to hang out, study, or be in community with others.  Located in Predolin 206, there is access to a comfortable lounge space, computer stations with printing access, a TV, microwave, and good conversations with great people!

Queer Student Center

The Queer Student Center is an inclusive student space to foster empowerment, support, and belonging for students who identify as LGBTQ+.  Here we celebrate the diversity within our community and share the multiplicity of human experience.  Our Dominican values and the Catholic Social Teaching principles of the Dignity, Value and Equality of every Person; the Solidarity of the Human Family; and the service of the Common Good guide us in providing a safe and welcoming space for community, solidarity, engagement and growth within the QSC.  Students know that this is a great place to hang out, study, or be in community with others.  Located in 208 of the Predolin Humanities Center, there is access to an all-gender restroom and a comfortable space hosting a computer, TV, microwave, and good conversations with great people!

Multicultural Student Achievement Program

The Multicultural Student Achievement Program (MSAP) provides students with academic, community and personal development.  Our community is centered on assisting students as they navigate through and thrive during their time at Edgewood College.  We encourage co-curricular enrichment through monthly leadership workshops, social outings, dinners and 1:1 meetings.

MSAP is intended to support students of color, LGBTQ+, low-income, first-generation, and undocumented students to ensure their success here at Edgewood College.

If you would like more information about the program, please contact the OSII Program Coordinator for the Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement at MSAP@edgewood.edu.

Multicultural Student Organizations and Groups

Multicultural and affinity-based student organizations enhance the College with meaningful community experiences and networks.  They are open to all students and exist to promote and embrace and promote cultural heritage, identity, representation, visibility, and advocacy for students of color and students in the LGBTQ+ community on campus.  These student organizations host co-curricular programming and events which provide opportunities for leadership experience, community service, personal development and social gatherings.  Any student seeking to create a multicultural or affinity-based student organization may do so by contacting the Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement at osii@edgewood.edu.

Wellness Center

Health Services

Health Services is part of the Wellness Center, located in Dominican Hall.  The clinic is staffed by a certified Nurse Practitioner offering physical examinations, care for acute illness and injuries, immunizations, health counseling, educational programming, and referrals.  Resources and encouragement for healthy lifestyles and disease prevention are promoted.  Prescription medication may be prescribed if clinically indicated.  Scheduling is by appointment only by emailing healthservices@edgewood.edu.  Every student living on campus is required to have a health history form on file in Health Services at the beginning of the semester.  This form is included in the admissions packet.

Due to Wisconsin state law regulating information about meningitis and Hepatitis B in college settings, all students receive information on the diseases and vaccinations that are available for prevention.  Students are encouraged to discuss the information with their medical provider. 

Personal Counseling Services

Personal Counseling Services offers free, confidential counseling services. Services are aimed at enhancing the emotional well-being of students and supporting students in reaching their personal and academic goals. Common reasons for seeing a counselor include but are not limited to: symptoms of anxiety or depression, concerns related to interpersonal relationships, identity exploration, recent or past trauma or abuse, substance use issues, grief and loss, disordered eating or body image concerns, low self-esteem, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts. Services include short-term individual counseling, group therapy, crisis appointments, and workshops. Referrals to community mental health care providers are available when appropriate or requested.  Personal Counseling Services is part of the Wellness Center in Dominican 122.  To schedule, please call 608-663-4148, email pcsnotifications@edgewood.edu, or stop by The Wellness Center, Dominican 122.

Student Senate

The Edgewood College Student Senate serves as the voice of the student body.  It strives to promote student interests within the College and its surrounding communities in order to enrich education, student life, and the overall Edgewood experience.  If you have a comment or concern, please stop by our office in Predolin 207.  We are conveniently located inside the Multicultural Student Lounge.

Student Organizations

Student organizations are a great way to jump into campus involvement and meet others.  Join one that already exists or grab some friends and start a new one!  Student organizations are perfect for leadership development, social interaction, community service, and personal or vocational growth.  Activities and events planned by various student-run clubs and organizations supplement academic life with meaningful experiences.  Visit Edgewood.presence.io to see a complete list of organizations and campus events they are hosting.

OSII Programming Ambassadors

The OSII Programming Ambassadors are student leaders that enhance the social experiences of the College community by providing intentional cultural, entertainment, social and educational programs.  Past programs and events include: trips to Six Flags and the Wisconsin Dells, poetry nights, movie nights, community conversations, and many others.  In addition, OSII Programmers assist in facilitating Heritage Month programming and other Edgewood College legacy events.

Residence Life

The goal of Residence Life is to enrich the college experience and strengthen the sense of community for all students. Research shows that the first two years of college are a critical time for students to develop academic and social networks. Students who live on campus are more likely to be involved and graduate in four years. Therefore, Edgewood College is committed to providing a supportive and positive residential environment conducive to student engagement and learning for all students.

At Edgewood College, we have seven residence halls; five traditional halls and two apartment buildings. All students under the age of 21 are required to live on campus for their first two academic years unless they choose to live with a family member and/or legal guardian within commuting distance. Exceptions to this policy include students who have children, live in domestic partnerships, veterans or students who are studying part-time.

The Residence Life staff is comprised of three full-time and one part-time professional staff members and a team of student staff members (Resident Assistants and Apartment Coordinators). Our student staff are upper-class students who provide leadership in the residence halls. Three of the professional staff live on campus as well to promote safety, support, and community for residents.


The Security staff is responsible for the safety and security of residents, staff and visitors, campus buildings, and grounds. Security officers patrol the campus, monitor parking, provide escorts when requested and act as liaisons with local police and fire agencies. To summon an officer or report an emergency, campus members may dial 608.663.4321, or call the Campus Assistance Center at 608.663.4444. Security officers are on duty 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To report a security or safety concern that is not an emergency, campus members may contact the Security Department at 608.663.3285. The Security Office is located in the Weber lobby. A majority of the security staff have law enforcement training and experience. They are available to assist you with a wide range of issues involving security and safety on and off campus.